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Meet Your CEC Instructors

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Kate Yanke & Trish Washburn

Trish & Kate’s Teacher Training is unlike any other! With over 40+ years of working with bodies both in sport and yoga along with their 500-hour certifications, they bring you their hands-on experience. Trish & Kate believe everyone can achieve more than they ever thought possible! Their classes are designed to prove you really can do anything with a little faith, patience, knowledge and a sense of humor. Both are loved for creative sequencing taught in progression to the backdrop of their unique music. Their classes are grounded in physical and subtle body anatomy while being inspired by the deep transformations of body, mind, heart, and soul that yoga offers is practitioners.   Their fun, fluid style comes from their own experiences and from being open to practicing and studying with various teachers.  Their studies and yoga teaching empower students with the fact that nothing is impossible!   

Trish & Kate’s mission is to create a legacy of yoga teachers who together elevate and change the world.  They believe we are all meant to shine and were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within each of us. They fully embody by each of us shining our own light, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same in order to continually create and be the change! 


Are you ready to embrace your brilliance and empower others to do the same?

Continuing Education Credits

Soleil Lune Yoga School's Continuing Education Credit programs encourage ongoing competency and continuing education. We strive to maintain a high standard for our certified yoga teachers and our students. Since yoga is a lifelong journey, we want the jouney to stay fresh, new and take each of us deeper into ourselves. Through this deeper exploration we in turn empower others.  Whether you are a student who craves knowldege and experience or a yoga teacher refining their skill set, we hope you enjoy and take advatage of our Continuing Education Class offerings!

Continuing Education Courses

The Magic & Art of Yoga Sequencing

With Trish Washburn & Kate Yanke


September 20 & 21, 2025

  • Location: Soleil Lune Yoga Studio

  • 203 E. Wisconsin St, Oconomowoc WI 53066 

  • Register now!


Investment : $225 for 21 hours


Need help developing meaningful, authentic, and effective yoga sequences? The Magic & Art of Yoga Sequencing course will arm you with the knowledge, inspiration, and technique you need to generate fresh, safe sequences that represent your voice and vision as a teacher.

The question of yoga sequencing is one each teacher faces when designing yoga classes to be safe, sustainable, and transformational. Why this posture first, then that one? How might the asanas be best ordered? What are the functional and energetic relationships among postures, and how do those relationships change when postures are arranged differently? What are the effects of pranayama practices at different points in a class? This workshop is beneficial to all yoga teachers and practitioners who desire to design and develop a Yoga Flow practice that captures their unique style and spirit.


This yoga teacher training workshop considers:

  • Optimal Sequencing for physical safety and comfort for all levels and abilities of students

  • Seamless Sequencing for optimal energetic benefits

  • Beyond the Asanas: How to sequence for contemplative and energetic themes

  • Transformational Space: creating space for transformation within yourself and your students


We will look closely at the interrelations of asanas within and between asana families to appreciate how they affect one another during the course of a class. Working in small groups, you design a variety of classes for different students, conditions, and intentions, and work as one large collaborative group to refine these class designs.


This course is right for you if:

  • You want the essential techniques for every posture group, including how to prepare for and conclude each posture category.

  • You need the tools to develop safe, effective sequencing that represents your voice and builds your student-base.

  • You want to gain confidence creating mixed level yoga classes while meeting the needs of beginners and experienced students.

  • You crave the support, inspiration, and knowledge that will allow you to teach effective, authentic and purposeful yoga classes.

  • You desire to have your practices allow students to turn inward, create space and freedom, and let go of mental/emotional/physical tension.


Weekend Schedule

  • Saturday 8-5pm

  • Sunday 8-5pm

  • Lunch breaks given 12-1pm


CEC Breakout of Hours

  • Techniques, Training & Practice (TTP): 8 hours

  • Teaching Methodology (TM): 6 hours

  • Anatomy & Physiology (AP): 4 hours

  • Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics (YPLE): 3 hours

  • TOTAL HOURS: 21.00


Investment Self: $225


Register now!


The Magic and Art of Hands on Assists

With Trish Washburn & Kate Yanke

Date: October 18 & 19, 2025

  • Location: Soleil Lune Yoga Studio

  • 203 E. Wisconsin St, Oconomwoc, WI 53066

  • Register now!


Investment : $225 for 21 hours

The Magic and Art of Yoga Assisting will teach you both why and how to apply effective hands-on assists. Gain confidence with more tools to help your students enhance and deepen their practice. In this seminar you will learn about the energetics of assisting, types of assisting, principles of assisting, and the mechanics of assisting. You will also learn how to assess an appropriate duration for your assistance. You will be given the opportunity to practice foundational hands-on adjustment concepts on common postures.

The goals of this Continuing Education Course is to provide you hands-on, exploratory learning so you can feel confident within your teaching to adapt hands-on assists to bodies of varying heights, degrees of flexibility, strength, and level of practice. When a teacher assists with sensitivity and awareness, responding to the receiver’s physical and metal states, the teacher and the receiver become one. There is no longer boundary between the asana and the assist. The is union. This is yoga.

The Magic & Art of Yoga Assisting Workshop Outline

  • Learning Energetics of Connection

  • Types of Assisting

  • Principles of Assisting

  • Mechanics of Assisting and using your body weight instead muscular effort

  • Becoming aware of your own bias, past experience, and ego

  • Being grounded with clear intention

  • The Art of Observing, Feeling and Sensing

  • Adapting to what you physically and intuitively see

  • Learning to step into and out of another person’s energy and practice

  • Make sure you have adequate stability and your partner is properly supported.

  • Playing with the balance between the push/pull

  • Learning to apply pressure in the correction direction

  • Learning to use the variety of tools that you have available: your body, student’s body, verbal cues, breathing, etc.

  • Applying the principles of grounding, lengthening, and breathing

  • Assess an Appropriate Duration for your Assistance

  • Assisting one intention at a time—don’t fuss or over-adjust


Postures covered in this course:

  • Sun Salutations // Learning to adjust during movement

  • Adho Muka Svanasana // Downward Facing Dog

  • Balasana // Child's Pose

  • Tadasana // Mountain

  • Uttanasana // Forward Fold

  • Ardha Uttansasana // Half Forward Fold

  • Plank

  • Chaturanga Dandasana // 4 Limbed Staff Pose

  • Bhujangasana // Cobra

  • Urdvha Muka Svanasana // Upward Facing Dog

  • Virabhadrasana 1/2/3 // Warrior 1/2/3

  • Parsvakonasana // Side Angle

  • Trikonasana //Triangle

  • Pasrvotanasana // Pyramid

  • Parivrtta Trikonasana // Revolved Triangle

  • Prasarita Padottanasana A/B/C/D // Wide Legged Forward Fold A/B/C/D

  • Utthitha Hasta Padangusthasana A/B/C //Extended Hand to Foot A/B/C

  • Garudasana // Eagle

  • Paschimottanasana // Seated Forward Fold

  • Supta Kapotasana // Reclined Pigeon

  • Supta Padangusthasana // Reclined Hand to Foot

  • Supta Matsyendrasana // Reclined Twist


Weekend Schedule

  • Saturday 8-5pm

  • Sunday 8-5pm

  • Lunch breaks given 12-1pm


CEC Breakout of Hours

  • Techniques, Training & Practice (TTP): 8 hours

  • Teaching Methodology (TM): 6 hours

  • Anatomy & Physiology (AP): 4 hours
    Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics (YPLE): 3 hours

  • TOTAL HOURS: 21.00


Investment Self: $225

Register now!




“Yoga for me has been life changing. I am an asthmatic, sometimes stressed out working mother striving to maintain some sort of daily balance in my wonderful life. Trish has given me tools to maintain some balance at work and home. She is a gifted, passionate, healing and caring person in and out of class. Class is always a unique challenge for all ages and levels. I never hesitate to send my clients here. Watch out! Their energy and passion are infectious! ”



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CONTACT Soleil Lune Yoga Center

Phone:  262.206.1285

203 East Wisconsin Ave

Suite 307

Oconomowoc, WI 53066

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