203 East Wisconsin Ave
Suite 307
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Our goal is to put togehter a reference page where you can find a community that supports a dedicated, enthusiastic, passionate, and healthy way of life. We feel these people and businesses are the Best-of-the-Best in what they offer and how they exist in their communities. Each one of our friends love what they do, they live what they know, and they authentically deal with you from their heart, knowedge and experience. They will meet and exceed your expectations not only in the service they provide, but also by knowing when another may meet your needs when they can not. They operate with loving kindness, attention to detail, and supreme honesty.

Local Yoga Studios
Alignment Yoga (Madison/Blue Mounds, WI)
Bliss Flow Yoga & Wellness (Madison, WI )
Inner Fire yoga (Madison, WI )
Yama Yoga (Milwaukee, WI)
Yoga One (Cedarburg/Fox Pointe/Milwukee, WI)

Out of State Yoga Studios
Moon Mountain yoga (Winter Park, CO)
Puma Yoga (Cleveland, OH)
Sangha Yoga Studio (Loveland, OH)
Turbodog Yoga (Chicago, IL)

Foreign Yoga Travel
Blue Sprit Costa Rica (Nosara, Costa Rica)
Pura Vida (Alajuela,Costa Rica~Mayatulum, Mexico~Dahlonega, Georgia, USA)
Xinalani Retreat (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
Available for purchase at the studio
Educational classes offered
Wellness Constulations given
Integratvie Family Wellness Center (Brookfield, WI)
Kolman Family Chiropractic (Wales, WI )
Wholesome LLC
Mission: To foster a community dedicated to the prevention and management of chronic disease by raising awareness about the power of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
The Wholesome Approach: We believe a Wholesome lifestyle not only encompasses sound nutrition, but also physical activity, mental health, & sleep. We strive for a balanced lifestyle by incorporating evidence-based research and practices to prevent, manage, and reverse chronic disease.
Alison Tierney, MS, RD, CD, CSO | Founder
Instagram: @wholesomellc
Website: www.wholesomellc.com

Body Work, PT, & Massage
Bill Anderson (Pewaukee, WI )
Reflexology, Trigger Point Therapy, Craniosacral techniques, Structural Integration, Feldenkrais technique, Facilitated Facial Movement, Somatic Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy, On-site Massage, Applied Kinesiology, CPK, EMS, Cold Lazar Therapy, Live Blood Analysis, Native American Medicine, Shiatsu, Anma, Jin Sin Do, Tsubo, Tui Na, Su gai, Chi Gong, and G'ua sha.
Vern Jaeschke (Hartland, WI)
Physical Therapy, Cranial Sacral, Specializes in pelvic alignment (We call him the Pelvis Elvis!), and more!
Deb Kalpperich (Delafield/Brookfield, WI)
Intuitive and Therapeutic Massage

Swim. Bike. Run. & Sports.
Athletic Mind (Hartland, WI)
Cheri Cope
Mental Skills Training
Briana Boehmer, B.S., NASM-CPT (Denver, CO)
Endurance sport coaching
Biomoto (Delafield, WI)
Expertise to maximize efficiency of movement to bring forth your full potential.
John Huenink (Professional Bicycle Fitter & Podorthist)
Bike Fit Studio, Gait Lab, and Custom Orthotic Lab
Movement analysis, Sports analysis, Biomechanics
514B Wells Street, Delafield, WI 53018
InStep Physical Therapy & Running Center (Delafield, WI)
Megan Hayward
615 Genesee Street, Delafield, WI 53018
(262) 646-3013
Paddleboard Specialists (Oconomowoc, WI )
online and group paddle training
Paddle classes and clinics offered
Free community events & Coffee Shop inside
sponsor of Midwest Paddle Fest
1217 West Wisconsin Ave, Oconomowoc, WI 53066
(877) 473-1199
Nomad Boardsports (Delafield/Summit, WI )
Rental of: Paddlboard, Kayaks, Canoes, Pontooon Boats, Bikes
Paddleboard Classes offered
34422 Delafield Road, Summit, WI 53066
(262) 468-6228

Good Food
local ~ sustainable ~ fair ~ humane ~healthy
Back to the Best Country Store (Rubicon, WI )
W1969 County Road N just North of Rubicon
organic foods in a country store setting
Battle Creek Beef & Bison (Oconomowoc, WI )
Java Hut (Oconomowoc, WI)
Healthy food, good coffee, fantastic community